Tuesday 17 March 2015

Study Motivation

Hey guys!

This weeks post, as you probably guessed by looking at the title, is going to be on studying. With the summer exam timetable coming out at the end of this month, I thought it was about time I sat down and started doing some hardcore revision. 

One thing (apart from looking at pretty notes online) that gets me excited for revision is making some form of list. In this case, I made a table with the lectures I need to go over for each of my eight modules. I only have 164 lectures worth of studying to do. No worries! *Written with heavy sarcasm*

Having this type of checklist really helps me. I get to cross things off which gives me a great deal of satisfaction, and I get to see how much more work I need to get through. 

Another thing that I, as well as many other people, love is stationary. My currently used collection includes post-its, coloured markers, coloured pens, normal ball point pens, highlighters, etc. To be completely honest though, I rarely use all of it and find that I'm much slower at making notes when I'm trying to be all pretty about it. 

There's nothing in my collection that I've bought recently so it's all pretty old: as you can see, Mr. Giraffe's eye and mouth is starting to disappear. One thing I did buy recently is square paper! I haven't used it yet but I basically bought 500 sheets of square paper of Amazon for around £9. In my eyes, it was a great purchase as I love square paper but can never seem to find it anywhere. 

Last year, I didn't do as well as I would've wanted in my exams and I don't want that to be the case this year. So I'm starting early- well, early relative to my normal start. 

Hopefully I can do another post in the summer telling you guys how I did, but until then...

Take care,

Sunday 8 March 2015

Another Few Days III

Hello again guys!

Hope you're all doing well :) I'm back again with another update-type post which is more pictures than it is words.

I'm going to start off by telling you guys about one of my favourite songs. It's quite a sad song and I don't think I can really relate to the lyrics but I love it nonetheless. The song is: She Falls Asleep by Tom Fletcher (McFly). I love this particular version of the song as the piano and Tom's voice together is honestly pure magic.

Another thing I wanted to tell you about is the weather... THE SUN IS BACK PEOPLE! It's still pretty cold but just knowing the sun is there, radiating down on us, makes me happy. And do you want to know the best thing about the weather? The fact that I know have an excuse to eat ice cream. *Sheds numerous happy tears.*

Shopping has never really been a source of happiness for me (unless it's for food) but recently, through the ease of online shopping, I have been buying quite a bit. Well, quite a bit in terms of my personal scale. 

All four items are from New Look which has proven it's  point of being my go to shop.


1. Pink V Neck Jumper- This was added to my basket just so I could get free click and collect... It turned out to be a really nice colour but the material is a real turn-off. It's that itchy kinda jumper which you have to wear something inside for as it's too uncomfortable otherwise.

2. Khaki Shirt- I loved this as soon as I saw it. I've been looking for an item of clothing in this colour so I'm pretty happy with this purchase. And I don't think I can put into words how great the material of the shirt is... It's amazingly soft!

3. Check Layered Shirt- I'd seen this shirt a couple of months back but it was on sale this time so it was a purchase that didn't need much brain power.

4. Chunky Boots- These are my first pair of heeled boots and I'm really looking forward to wearing them. For those who are a pro with heels, they probably don't look high, but for me... Yeah, I'm a little scared of tripping in them.

And that's it peeps! So until next time...

Take care,