Monday, 23 February 2015

Another Few Days II

Hey guys!

Food has been a big thing for me this past week (well, it's kind of always a big thing...). I've been trying to get a lot more protein into my diet as I haven't been eating enough of it: This is according to Google by the way.

So I thought I'd do a post on what I've found and had to eat.

Let's go!

1. It was National Pizza Day a couple of weeks ago so chicken and chip shop pizza was a must.

2. I'd bought this for a friend before but I only recently tried it myself. Nutella is yummy but would I buy it again? No, Simply because it's crazily priced. Plus, I normally eat shop bought snacks at uni and that means I can't lick the remaining chocolate. Sad times.

3. Tingz was a Holland & Barrett find. I was looking for some kind of sweet or mint to have during lectures and this is apparently good for your teeth so I thought, why not?!

4. You would not believe the amount of time I spent looking for this (it was with the sausages in Tesco if you're wondering). This was supposed to help me with my protein intake but I feel like it's really unhealthy... The ingredients don't look bad (from my little nutrition knowledge) but it's precooked chicken that tastes nice! Can't be healthy right?

5. 2 for £3. Need I say more? Ha. This one was the 'juicy raisins and hazelnuts' one...
6. And this one was the'juicy blueberries' one. Nothing dry around here!

7. My mum made curd rice (which was yummy!) so I added some sweet potato and boiled eggs to it and had it for lunch. 

8. Chickpeas has a lot of protein and fibre in it so I boiled/steamed (one of the two) it and added it to some grated cucumber and carrots. I had to add salad cream as it was too bland.

So that's it! Well, I've eaten other things too but this is what I consider remotely interesting.

On non-food related matters, I'm planning to watch a few new dramas: Hart of Dixie, Grey's Anatomy and Fresh Off The Boat. The series themselves aren't new (apart from Fresh Off The Boat) but it'll be the first time I'm watching them. I plan write a mini review of the first few episodes so do look forward to it (haha!).

Take care,

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