Tuesday, 26 August 2014


I am not the greatest baker and that was evident yesterday when my little sister and I decided to bake some biscuits.

We had a load of blueberries in the kitchen that nobody seemed to be eating so I decided that I'd add them to my share of the "biscuit" dough. I ended up getting really lazy at the end and just spread the dough into the pan, hoping it'd turn out okay. 

Luckily, it did turn out okay (i.e. edible)! I wouldn't call it a biscuit though as it was a bit too soft in the middle but it wasn't quite cake material either.

My sister just stuck to plain almond biscuits, which were gone almost as soon as they came out of the oven :)

I really want to try baking more often but maybe not with my little sister as she's more of a follow-the-recipe baker whilst I'm more of a put-everything-in-the-bowl-and-pray kind of baker.

Speak to you soon!

Take care,

Monday, 18 August 2014

Day out: Chinatown London

Chinatown is a place me and my friends have wanted to go for a while now and for some weird reason, we never got around to actually going... Until last week!

We got the tube to Piccadilly Circus and walked to Chinatown, which took us less than 10 minutes.

We got there pretty early so most of the shops weren't open and there were a lot of people setting up. One of the shops that was open however, was a grocery store, which we spent ages looking around. I will definitely be heading back to pick up a few things for the kitchen! 

I didn't have a full breakfast before leaving so I picked up a little snack for myself to keep my happy til lunch. The sweet potato snack was a little sweeter than I thought it'd be but it was still yummy. 

We didn't actually eat at any of the restaurants in Chinatown and ended up picking up food at good old Wasabi. We were hoping to find a park to sit and eat at but it started to rain. So we went to a KFC that was nearby and order some food so we could use their shelter :P

And of course, what trip to Chinatown could be complete without some bubble tea! I got myself some watermelon flavoured bubble tea which was really good- I even liked the little tapioca pearls which I'm normally not fond of.

The weather was really weird throughout the day :/ It was slightly gloomy at first, then seemed to brighten up and then it ended up raining. Yay London.

Obviously seeing these lovely boys made the day way better! ;)

Speak to you guys soon ^^

Take care,

PS. I still haven't got the hang of aligning pictures side by side yet so sorry for the repetitive layout to posts :(

Tuesday, 12 August 2014

France 2014

Hey guys!

At the end of July my family and I went to France for a week and I thought I'd  do a post sharing some of the pictures I took whilst there.

Whenever we visit France we always stay at my aunt's house, who's balcony view is so pretty! She lives right next to a Church which you can actually barely see in the picture :(

One of the main reasons we went to France was so we can go to Lourdes and visit the beautiful Church that is present there. Although I haven't been to many countries or cities around the world, I am quite sure Lourdes has to be one of my favourite cities ever :) It has such a calm atmosphere and the people there are some of the sweetest I've ever met.

I did not try a variety of food whilst I was there and stuck to chips and chicken baguettes. BUT the baguettes there were sooooo yummy that I could not bring myself to regret not trying other things.

Glimpse of the Church on train journey back to Paris.

Hope you're all doing well!

Take care,