Wednesday, 29 October 2014

My 20th Birthday Wishlist

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for the irregular posts again :( Uni has got me feeling a little meh at times and it's been hard finding the motivation to write something.

However, I do have a post today! (Woohoo :)) Since my birthday is approaching, I thought I'd do a little post on my birthday wishlist for this year. I want to put it out there, that these are things I will be "expecting" from my family, but will most likely buy myself.

Now, the list:

My 20th Birthday Wishlist

  1. Smoothie maker- I've been using the family blender and having my own just for smoothies would be pretty useful :P
  2. Rubik's cube and/or jigsaw puzzle- I read an article recently which was talking about puzzles delaying dementia and I just thought it's never too early to start preparing. Plus, I haven't done a puzzle in a long time! I'm talking years here!
  3. Winnie the Pooh onesie- I feel this one is kind of self-explanatory... Winnie the Pooh + onesie? Pure happiness!
  4. Polar watch and yoga mat- My motivation to lose weight and increase my fitness is slowly disappearing. I've had my eye on there polar watched for a while now and thought it'd be a really good way of keeping me motivated through the winter :)
  5. Earrings- I am yet to change the earrings in my second piercing (>.<") so new earrings are in order! I'm looking for some small studs which are perfect for my second piercing- which is pretty close to the first one.
And that's it guys! Well, they're the main things anyways :P 

I'll (hopefully) be doing a post on what I did get for my birthday and what I did. I don't have plans as of yet- other than revision!

Until then...

Take care,

Friday, 3 October 2014

Review: Bioré Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser

I think it's pretty safe to say I was never really into skincare until recently, when I started to notice more fine lines under my eyes. That's not to say my skincare routine and products are up to scratch- there is still a lot of work to do with it. 

My skincare routine consists of two aspects: cleansing and moisturising. I would say I have dry skin with some oiliness around my T zone so finding products that work well hasn't been easy for a skincare newbie! 

The cleanser I was using before was the Bioré Combination Skin Balancing Cleanser, which I did quite like.  It didn't do wonders for my skin but it did "cleanse" my skin without drying it up. Sadly the product has been discontinued in Boots so I thought I'd pick up another Bioré cleanser as a replacement. The one I went for is the Deep Pore Charcoal Cleanser. 

I use this twice a day on most occasions, and once a day when I'm feeling particularly lazy. 

The cleanser itself is black (which is pretty cool!) but turns into the "normal" white consistency when lathered. This may sound silly, but this was not something I was expecting to happen: I was kind of hoping it'd stay black! >.<"

Just like the other Bioré cleanser, this one cleanses without drying up my skin. I also feel I have had less breakouts but this may be because of my diet rather than the magical properties of the cleanser :).

After using this cleanser for over a month, I can say it's a great alternative- if anything, it's slightly better! 

This is available in Boots at £4.99 for 200ml and I would definitely recommend this to anyone with a similar type to me.

Take care,

PS. Please ignore my hands! They're definitely one of my least favourite body parts :|